AWARDS AND GRANTS Below is a list of the awards that local councils and individuals may apply. |
-ALA members may nominate themselves or others for the following awards and grants:
Administrator in Reading Award
| Jo Flanigan Scholarship
| School Based Literacy Grant Application
Local Council Honoree
| Local Council President's Diamond Award
Membership AwardPresented to the top three local councils with the greatest percentage of increase in the ALA membership and the local council with the greatest percentage of increase in ILA memberships. Contact Jill Fields, Director of Membership
| Celebrate Literacy
The Exemplary Reading Program Award recognizes outstanding reading and language arts programs at all grade levels (elementary, middle, and high school). Its purpose is to call the public's attention to outstanding programs in schools throughout Canada and the United States. Each participating state and provincial council, with an active ERPA committee chair, may choose one winning school a year.
Please click here for a comprehensive list of all of ILA's awards and grants.