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ARA Online Conference

  • 03 Feb 2018
  • Online


  • $25 OF F

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Click here for much more information and to register!

What Is It?

The ARA Online Conference is an event for teachers that you can attend from home! Think of it as a traditional literacy ed conference combined with a TED event, all held online! Since the event is hosted online, no money has to be spent on travel, lodging, food, etc. Just sit at home in your pajamas and enjoy the show!

This event is especially planned for teachers who are interested in learning additional literacy strategies that can be implemented the very next week in your classroom.

When Is It?

February 3 from 8:30 - 3:00 PM CST.  This is a live event!

If you can't attend live, your registration guarantees your access to the online conference for an additional two weeks.  You can watch all of the presentations and download every single handout, (not to mention accessing all of the digital freebies, door prizes, and more) whenever you get time two weeks following the conclusion of the event.

During the week prior to the online conference, participants will receive log-in instructions inviting YOU to participate in this first of its kind event.

Who Is Attending?


Also, teachers and literacy leaders from Arkansas...and across the nation have signed up to assist in creating this exciting event. Some will be attending live; others will be enjoying all of the presentations on their own time with the Literacy Later Link.


This conference will  showcasing some of the brightest minds and most innovative teachers, as they share the latest trends in literacy education including:

  • ARA President, Kaila Murphy

  • Jennifer Buehler - Celebrating the Complexity of Young Adult Literature:  Young adult literature can motivate teens to want to read, but it’s also complex literature in its own right. This session will offer tools for reframing the conversation about text complexity and titles that spark complex conversations in English class.

  • Kami Butterfield - The Road to the Paperless Classroom:  In this session, you will learn about the possibilities of what students could do with a device of their own. As soon as the students walk in, they are responsible for their own device and their learning starts there. Walk through a day with Mrs. B. and find out what students are doing in a 1:1 classroom that takes her learners above and beyond with their devices. Four apps: 1:1 devices= PAPERLESS.

  • The Curly Classroom - Pow! Bam! WWAM!:  It's a bird! It's a plane! It's poetry analysis! Is poetry your arch-nemesis? Follow these four super hero moves to pack a punch and unpack poetry for good!

  • Katie Garner - Hacking the Brain's Affective Domain for Easy Access to the Hard Letter Sound & Phonics Skills:  Journey through the brain's backdoor to uncover alternative, neural routes for accelerated letter sound and phonics skill mastery, and take advantage of learning loopholes rooted in the brain's plasticity. Boost existing literacy instruction with “brain-changing” teaching tools that will immediately become the most relied-upon pieces of your instructional repertoire—leaving you armed and ready for Monday morning!

  • Tammy GillmoreCAFE Style Learning 
    Watch as students collaboratively create a response to a text using Google Apps.  Then, share and discuss prospective ways to implement this method in your classroom.

  • Rebecca Harper - Pardon the Interruption: We're Using ESPN to Teach Writing:
    Motivating students to write is often difficult for many teachers, but what if teachers and students knew that ESPN could be used to teach writing? From using the Top Ten Plays to teach transition sentences, to sports programming that teaches argumentative writing, this session will provide participants with unique and new ways to engage students in the writing classroom.

  • Brian Johnson - Moving the Needle on Achievement: Building Super Readers:  Participants will learn how to use and integrate 7 character strengths to support the latest educational research showing that students with access to rich texts and given time to read independently will benefit academically (Allington and McGill-Franzen, 2013).

  • Jen Jones - The Secret to a Successful Guided Reading Session:  This online video unlocks the secret to a successful guided reading session so teachers are no longer "winging it" for Guided Reading, but truly prepared to engage with students about the text.

  • Alyson Low - Book Talks:  Sit back and listen to book talks of popular children’s literature. Then, share comments as you join in on the discussion about those books...and others you would recommend.

Each speaker will first air a 20-minute video, followed by 20-30 minutes of live interaction amongst the speaker and all the participants.  

***There will be multiple opportunities for GIVEAWAYS too during the LIVE EVENT.

Click here for much more information and to register!

Address: 904 Osage Drive, Redfield, AR  72132
Phone: (501) 416-3992

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